Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Ruffled Crop Top Recolors by Sparrow

TS3 Werewolf Fangs Conversion by Pyxiidis

Toddler Bed Recolors by FlamingBlaze

Mermaid Tail and Top by Merman Simmer

No More Welcome Wagon by TheFandomGirl

I'm fully aware that I may be alone in this regard, but after the 5th or 6th family I place in Windenburg has to put up with nosy neighbors and their "gift" of fruitcake, it's a wonder I haven't jumped off the roof of my house. And since pretty much every Sim I create is a Loner, well you can see how I might get very annoyed.

"Well, why not just cancel the event?" You may ask. Because I'm not so much of a misanthropic harpy that I don't feel bad for the negative relationship gain and the "I guess we're not wanted here." message that pops up.

So here you have it; a little XML tuning mod that prevents Welcome Wagons from ever happening. Think of it as an override; it replaces a nuisance and gives you nice, cushy solitude.  

Tested with both pre-existing and brand new households and saves.

Dread Ponytail and Little Braids Hairs by Birksches