Friday, July 1, 2016

Mid Side and Medium Curly Hair Conversion for Males and Females by Kiara24

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Dreams of Roses Pants, Shorts and Skorts in 49 Colors by StandardHeld

Celeste Hair for Females by IvoSims

108 Ocean Avenue, Amityville, New York by SimsCreator

Buyable Voidcritters For Download (Includes Limited Edition Foil Types) by TreeLifeCreations

I have for your the voidcritters unlocked so you can buy them directly out of the buy catalog. Once bought these act just like found cards in the game and can be trained, sold, etc.

The Details:

- Can be found under Kids -> Kids Activities

- Please note with limited edition foils (shinnies) they will look normal while placing but convert to the foil type when placed (as per above).

- These act like normal object in game and can be sold in stores if you have GTW (Comic book stores anybody?)

- These will not change the functioning of any of these objects in the game.

Anye Mega Set by Ilona

Floral Dress by SimsFashion01

ung999's Black White Dining