Sunday, February 21, 2016

Marina Mole by ZionTrash

Cat Tops for Girls by MoraSims

Get Together Hair with Longer Bangs by Jacjacattacks

Simopolis by WaterWoman

Show Sick by Lynire

Reason for the mod
I wanted a way to make it easy to diagnose illnesses in the doctor career with Get to Work. I don't think you need Get to Work to use this mod, but there may not be much point to it without it.

 What it does
This mod tells you what illnesses a sim has using the cheat console.

If there is no available information for the sim to identify an illnesses, it displays "Unable to find an illness." Note that this is different than "No Illness". If the case of "No Illness", it found that the sim is listed with a buff that shows they have no illness. In the case of "Unable to find an illness", that buff is missing. It is probably only safe to diagnose a sim with "No Illness" if the mod shows "No Illness" and not if it shows "Unable to find an illness".

Stuffed Dragon Toy Recolors by LaLunaRossa

Lips by ViirinSims

Lush Pots Cosmetics by PrettyXSimblr