Showing posts with label Mods - Misc. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mods - Misc. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

GT Group Dances Last Longer (1.16.61) by Shimrod101

This mod increases the length of all 6 of the Group Dances; each dance is 4 or 5 times longer than in vanilla game. This is achieved by adding more dance moves (animations) into each dance and by using a dance move 2 or 3 times within the dance.

The dances are all reconstructed as concerns which dance moves are included. For example, the One Two Steppin' dance has more steppin' moves than the other dances. The Lean Back dance uses more of the leaning shown below.

One of the dances is not available in vanilla game unless your sim is in a required emotional state. This mood requirement for that dance is removed in this mod so this dance is always available as long as the individual dancers have high enough dancing skill.

Also when sims reach their position on the dance floor they will begin with warm-up dancing; male sims do the machine arm-pump move from the focused mood, female sims do the flirty dance move; when the last sim reaches their spot on the dance floor they all begin the group dance. This warm-up is shown below.

Monday, March 28, 2016

Easier Easter Egg Collecting by Shimrod101

This mod makes collecting of the Easter Eggs go much much faster, because I've collected all the bluebells, all the fruits and veggies, dug loads and loads of rocks for the cool sparkly gems and metals; and now I'm supposed to spend 500 hours doing all of that one more time until I find all 12 eggs?

I think not, because been there done that and yada yada yada.

So this mod gives a 20 or 40 times higher chance of getting one of the eggs on any given click on the hidden egg clickies. This is approximate higher chance, I can't be bothered to do the math because I altered two different numbers and I can't say for sure exactly how these two numbers work together; I simply tested in the game and kept increasing these numbers until satisfied at the quickness of fast speed. It's possible to get one of the eggs on every other harvest or every third harvest or dig or whatever.

Also if your sim doesn't have that Collector trait, the two newer glowing eggs are twice as hard to get as all the others; I removed this bit, giving the same weighted chance to all eggs.

Sunday, February 7, 2016

Thumbnail Icon Replacement by Andrew and OM

This will replace the gigantic wrench on your swatches with a small dot in the upper left corner while leaving the wrench on the main large catalog thumbnail. It will work on all custom content including hair, skin tones, and eyes.

Friday, February 5, 2016

Thumbnail Icon Mods by Andrew

If you would like to keep the catalog thumbnail icon but get rid of the swatch thumbnail icons this is the mod for you.  Enjoy!

If you would prefer to get rid of the catalog thumbnail and the swatch thumbnail there is a mod for that below.

It's sort of unclear why EA felt the need to add this ugly icon to custom content catalog thumbnails at the same time they were adding a helpful CC filter.  It's incomprehensible that they obliterated custom content swatch thumbnails with it. The filter they added...great.  This ugly, icon all over the place?...not so much.  This isn't just a bad is a bad implementation of a bad idea.  CC creators cannot do anything about it because EA didn't put control over it for specific items in a moddable place.  Why?  Your guess is as good as mine.  The best we can do is just blank out the stupid wrench image...or crab claw...or whatever this thing is supposed to be.

This mod will get rid of it.  Put this mod in your mods folder and bye bye ugly icons.

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Monday, January 18, 2016

Sit & Lean on Fence Mod by Artrui

Rotating Animatics on Main Screen by weerbesu

Fixed an issue that caused lastUIException.txt to generate.

I got tired of the same image on the main screen so I made this. It will now rotate between five different animatics (Get Together, Spa Day, Get to Work, Outdoor Retreat, and base game) and each one stays for approximately 10 seconds.
I will update this mod once more GPs and EPs come out.

This mod is compatible for version 1.14.49

Saturday, January 9, 2016

Mods by Weerbesu

No Auto Club Gathering for Active Sims

By default, if three or more Sims of the same club are in a group conversation, a club gathering will automatically start. This mod prevents it from happening if one or more club members are active Sims you currently play.


By default, if a Sim is currently at work or at school they will not show up on the list of Sims to add as club members. Also, if there are more than 27 eligible Sims, only the first 27 Sims will show up. This mod removes both restrictions so that all eligible Sims always show up as potential club members for you to choose from.

Janitors on Community Lots

This mod adds a janitor NPC to community lots, similar to the ones in TS1. They will do all the cleaning and repairing (repairing is prioritized over cleaning). Useful if you're like me, who often let Sims spend days on community lots.

Janitors are randomly chosen from any unplayed, unemployed Sims in your game (the higher their handiness skill is, the more likely they'll be chosen; if no Sims are eligibile, random townies will be generated).

They will work an 8-hour shift:

8AM-4PM: female janitor
4PM-12AM: male janitor
12AM-8AM: female or male janitor

The purpose of gender-specific janitors is to make sure the bathrooms locked behind gender doors are always clean (since they can't get into restrooms for the opposite gender).

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Instant Evolve by Portela

This mod removes the delay from the Evolve interaction allowing Sims to perform instant gardening evolutions as often as desired.

This mod was built using Game Version, but it should be compatible with all versions.

Thursday, December 24, 2015

More Deadly/Intense Fire by weerbesu

Simstopics Children Can Die of Anything! by devilgurl

Do you hate how children can't die of anything?? Now they can! This mod enables the ability for children to die of anything that teens-adults (sorry, no dying of old age [elder] as a child lol) can! So starvation (like the picture) or by the cowplant, anger, laughter, electrocution, and embarrassment.

Please note that if you have the mod "No Emotional Deaths Altogether" then that will make it so the children (and every other age) will not die from the mood buffs. For example: The "Hysterical" moodlet will not create a death for the child sim with the No Emotional Deaths mod!

I completely remade this mod from scratch for the December patches (and will for future patches) but there have been previous users that created (but has abandoned) the mod in their own versions for past patches. Linked below!

Original by DrChillgood found here
Re-made by scumbumbo found here

I hope you all enjoy!

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Basic Buy Whims/Edits by Plasticbox

Build Pool Whim Override:
Changes the text so that it talks about building a pool, not buying a pool .. from Build Mode. That just sounds confused. Also skips the redundant “at least 1x1”, because how can a pool be any less than that size? The text override is US English only.
Resurrects the Build Pool whim icon that apparently went overboard at some point.
Filters the whim so that only adults with at least 3 Fitness and children with at least 6 Motor skill will get it.

Overrides 0x598F28E7-0x00000000-0x00000000000195E0 Whim_BuyPool

Basic Buy Overrides:
Removes “Buy TV”, “Buy Computer”, and “Buy Dishwasher” from the “Basic” whimset, as that is quite high priority and those things are not basics IMO ‒ these whims are now in the additional set, see below
Also removes sofas and loveseats from the criteria for the “Buy Chair” whim, making it purely a chair whim (sofas and loveseats are split up and moved to the additional whimset below)
“Buy TV”, “Buy Computer”, “Buy Stereo” and “Buy Dishwasher” whims are tuned so that Frugal sims will not get them; Stereo gives 25 points instead of 50
“Buy a Book” is now triggered by not owning a book instead of by not owning a stove >.<

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Instant Upgrades now for All Objects. by Coolspear1 - MTS

There are three objects in game where the Instant Upgrade Trait Perk does not apply. Meaning the Rockets, Dishwashers and X-Ray Machines take forever to upgrade for both skilled and unskilled sims alike. Well, not any more.

I have increased the upgrade speeds to match that of the Instant Upgrade Perk speeds = pretty damn frikken fast!

Your sims do not need to purchase the buyable "Handy" trait perk to benefit from these mods. All skilled and unskilled sims can experience and enjoy the new super speeds when upgrading these three particular items. They will however need to have the required upgrade parts to begin upgrades on the dishwashers and x-ray machines. Seeing as these upgrade parts are easily purchased via a computer, I did not want to mess around removing them from the XML coding. Rockets need no such parts, just simoleons.

Game requirements:
Dishwashers are base game (Introduced via patch.)
Rockets are primarily base game objects, but have the extra "Wormhole" upgrade if you have Get To Work EP
X-Ray Machines are Get To Work EP

Helpful tips:
Your sims need to be at least career level 5 doctor before allowed to upgrade X-Ray Machines.
X-Ray Machines also have the rare debug option to do an instant debug upgrade if you are feeling too lazy to have your sims physically upgrade them.

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Tuning mods to keep certain handy items in sims inventory by coolspear1 - MTS

Three quick tuning mods to make sims autonomously place the Tablet (Slablet), the Clay Blob and the Future Cube back into their personal inventories after they have finished using them.

I got sick, sore and tired of having to ALWAYS pick the Tablets off the floor and place them back onto tables as sims are utterly incompetent at doing this. Or having to hunt all through the house as to where they may have hidden these items after using them. Putting them right back where they found them is an incomprehensible notion to the sims, until now.

Just place any of these items into their personal inventories, and whether they use them autonomously or are pushed to use them by you, they will put them right back into their inventory directly afterwards. Yay!!! They can do it!!!

Of course, that means if you direct them to use any of these items that may have been sitting on a surface beforehand in a decorative fashion, they will place it into their inventories forevermore thereafter.

Friday, October 9, 2015

Studio Effect Player by Andrew - Sims 4 Studio

This mod will allow you to play any effect from the game and you can select from a list of over 6000 effects.

Getting Started:
Buy the Studio Effect Player (§1 in Misc Entertainment section)
Click on it and choose Select Effect
Enter the name of an EA effect from the list below
After starting an effect, you can stop it by clicking it again.  You will also have the option to replay it.

Once you have mastered the use of one effect player... buy some more.

You will get more options when you have more than one placed:
Hide Others - This will hide all effect players except the one that you have clicked.  This is particularly useful when taking screenshots or making videos where you don't want the effect player to show but you do want the effect.
Show All - After hiding them, you may need to un-hide them so you can move them and/or delete some of them.
Stop All - This will stop all effects.
Replay All - This will restart all effects that you have placed.  It is useful not only if you have stopped them, but also for effects that do not loop like explosions.

Tips on Placing Effects:

Effect player can be moved in Live Mode by clicking and dragging
You can move your cursor over an effect player to see the name of the effect it is using
Use the bb.moveobjects cheat code and you can use Ctrl+9/Ctrl+0 to move them up and down.
If working with large effects, you may want to use EA's cheat to enlarge the effect player with the '[' key while placing it.
Effects placed will be saved with your game.
If you hide all effect players and delete the one that is not hidden, simply buy a new one to get the menu back.

Thanks OM

Monday, August 24, 2015

Cloning Machine: Success Rate and Put Item In Inventory by mysadnessday

Draggable item: Hit 'Clone' - Waiting - Fail/Success - DRAG ITEM OUT - Put it in inventory - Repeat
Non draggable item: Hit 'Clone' - Waiting - Success - TO BUILD MODE - Put it in inventory - TO LIVE MODE - Repeat

I got tired of these process so I create a small mod that increase the base success chance and put the item in sim's inventory/household inventory when it done.
Now just :
Hit 'Clone' - Waiting - Fail/Success - Repeat (you can queue action now)

There have 3 file:
- 50% base success rate (default base success rate), up to 70% depending on several cases.
- 90% base success rate, up to >100% depending on several cases.
- 100% base success rate.