Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Addams Family House by Via Sims

Jukebox Recolors by Mabra

Apple MacBook Pro and Cereal Magazine by MXIMS

Lips by AveiraSims

Glasses Square in 79 Colors by StandardHeld

Separated Vampire Jewelry by MissBunnyGummy

If I'm Dancing Pull Back Hairs by AHarris00Britney

Little Ones Toddler Clutter by JomSims

Custom Food Cupcakes-With Ingredients 1 by Leniad

33 Toddler Hairs Recolored by NoodlesCC

Brushed Over Hair Converted for Toddlers by Saartje77

Skin Detail for Toddlers and Children by Eenhoornsims

Toddler Hairs by BlogSimpleSimmer

Angular Beauty Prints and Frames by Simspirashun

Chat and Invite In For Vampires Fix by Tiger3018

Sailor Chibi Chibi Hair, Clothing and Accessories by SilverMoon

Blossom Hair by Anto

Depressed Trait by saphryn

Playing "Gloomy" Sims, to me, never felt like the trait had a big enough impact on my Sims' lives. Sure, they were sad once and a while--but they moved on, and life was still a happy world for them. I wanted something that made my Sims' lives harder, more realistic; using personal experience, I've created a "Depressed" trait that, after much testing, is far more effective than its sister, "Gloomy".

The Basics
The base trait holds a hidden buff that affects many aspects of the Sim's life.
"Energy", "Fun", and "Social" will decay faster. Likewise, they will be harder to build up.
Most "Creative" skills (cooking and musical oriented) build 25% faster.
The "Fitness" skill is 20% harder to build.
Social skills, such as "Comedy" and "Charisma" are 25% and 50% harder to build respectively.
Sims are more likely to get angry, embarrassed, inspired, and sad. Contrariwise, they will be harder to make confident, energized, and playful.
Depressed Sims have a boost to careers in social media, culinary, entertainer, and painter. They will have a harder time as a critic or athlete.
Friendship and romance between Sims is harder to build. Failed interactions have a higher penalty.

Dracula Bun Hair by Birksches