Sunday, December 28, 2014

No Losing Kids To Bad Grades by DrChillgood

School in TS4 is nothing but a time sink. No friends, no skills, just busywork. Why bother?

Oh yeah - the evil Sim Social Services will swoop in and "rescue" the kid. By rescue, they really mean kill - it is really a death interaction and sets the death type to Neglect, which doesn't even leave a ghost.

Statistic Instance 18282 Child Neglect is how they determine when to destroy your kid. I have removed the actions so it should no longer call the "rescue" routine.

Fight the good fight against Sim Social Services! Download my Kids Can Die Of Anything so the poor kid can at least leave a ghost!

Retro Sofa 1970 by Lucidrayne

Bonnie Dresses by Bukovka

Bartender Trait by Sims4Ti

Seaside Manor Apartments by Jenba

MFS Low Waist Jeans

Paintings, Rugs and Door Recolors by Bienchen83

Programming and Hacking payout revision by NightTorch


Have you ever wondered why programming doesn't pay more in sims 4? Maybe you're tired of trying all the careers before defaulting back to painting for money every time. (seriously, since when are painters that lucrative?!) In any case, hopefully this will address that!

 What this is

These .package files (in the .zip) are XML tuning mods which has two flavors of the programming and hacking rewards. Quite simply, one is twice-ish of the payout and the other is around five-ish of the payouts of a vanilla game. I say 'ish' because many factors play a role in just how much you get. Mood, career, even age (teens are ideal according to the files) all factor into this. Not to mention the ranges sometimes varied quite a bit not to mention having some overlap with other ranks (you could rarely get less money hacking Plumbook at level 7 programming than at level 6 for example). But 90% of the time it'll work out as advertised so not a big deal.