Thursday, February 9, 2017

Dione Hair and Flower Accessories by ChocolateMuffinTop

Hired Help Mod by rhames

I present to all of you, the first version of the Hired Help Mod.

This mod does the following:

1. Butlers: Removes the situational Butler uniform and instead uses the outfits you may or may not have designed and keeps the uniform from re-spawning every time you leave and return to your lot.

2. Nannies: Removes the situational Nanny uniform and instead uses the outfits you may or may not have designed and keeps the uniform from re-spawning every time you leave and return to your lot. Expands the age range of generated Nannies to include Young Adults because 20-somethings are never Nannies. No they're not. Most importantly, Nannies stay INDEFINITELY on your lot as long as you don't fire them, dismiss them or ask them to hang out. A word of advice, I strongly advise having Free Services on hand or you may not like the bill you get.....

I intend to add Maids and Gardeners shortly to this as well as expanded Hired Help features as they occur to me.

Meridia Living Room Set by JomSims

Embroidered Strappy Boho Dress by Ameranthe

Nose Masks by BrntWaffles

Washed Out Blue Flooring by Sympxls