Thursday, December 29, 2016

System Hair by Anto

Decorative Toy Gas Service Station by JosieSimblr

Earrings by Toksik

Whitley Hair and Head Wrap Retexture by BlahberryPancake

Scholar Chic Sweater Recolors by SimsExpo

Accessory Eyelashes by Quen2n

Cloning Machine Variable Success Rate Update by NightTorch


So apparently there ARE people who wants a slight chance of failure. My bad. Then I'll add an 80% chance one. Better for everybody?


I stopped playing sims for a while, but recently got back into it. And, me being the scientist lover I am, was quite surprised to see that the Mysaddnessday's cloning machine mod no longer works! Can't have that now can we?! So, until he comes back (or if), I had a little free time on my hands so I slapped together this updated mod for the game!

 What this is

Just like the original by Mysaddnessday, this mod simply ups the success rate of attempted cloning to 100% and drops the cloned items straight into your inventory. Short and simple. While he had 2 other flavors of the mod, I decided to stick to just a 100% rate. Most if not everyone will want this mod for the upped rate anyway right?

Quella Hair Retexture by SlytherSim