Sunday, February 14, 2016

Bathroom Neutrals Wallpaper by Nymphatictheunusual

Floral Walls with Leather Padding + Striped Walls (Set) by PixieLinxie

Spiked Red Bottoms by BlvckLifeSims

TS3 Nursery Conversions by Miguel

Long skirt for males! 28 colors. by Velouriah

Other World Ivy by MilkFairy

AD(H)D Trait by FiendMods

A trait for your Sims to make life just a little bit more of a challenge. Especially challenging for kids and teens, this AD(H)D trait interferes with your everyday schoolwork. The trait does NOT replace any other trait.

- Never focussed
- Needs less sleep (10%) but tired more easily (10%)
- Fun both in- and decreases faster at 25%
- New relationships are easier to gain, but slightly harder to maintain (5%)

Dress Recolors by NiteSkkySims