Monday, September 22, 2014

7 Random Peplum Blouse Recolors by Sunnymorning21

Adorable Sweater for Females by Sims4ego

Galaxy Shirts by Megu

Dresses, Skirts and Tops by Deardaisysims

LumiaLoverSims ShortFaux (New Mesh) for Males

210 Wright Way and More Houses by SNW

Thanks Sella Su

David Sims Beta Hair (New Mesh) for Females

Persistent TestingCheats - Cheats Always Enabled! by TwistedMexi

This mod is fairly straight-forward, it turns on testingcheats for you automatically so that you'll never have to enter testingcheats before using a command. This also enables the testingcheats shift-click options such as "Make Happy" and "Reset(Debug)" This saves you from having to re-enter it every time you travel, switch households, or return from CAS.

Simply save the file to your mods folder and leave it zipped!
Once installed, just use cheats as you normally would. It'll do the rest.