Showing posts with label Mods - Traits. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mods - Traits. Show all posts

Friday, October 16, 2015

CAS Trait Internet Kid by drewstacey - MTS

These sims spend a lot of time on the computer and are very talented, despite what the older crowd might think. These sims also stay up way past their bed times, as they say, “Internet Kids Never Sleep.”

cannot be asleep (the sim can do the action of sleeping but the buff will not appear)
fun decays 10% faster
social decays 15% slower
energy decays 30% slower BUT increases 10% slower
hunger increases 10& faster
gains programming skill 35% faster
gains Video gaming skill 20% faster
and all other skills 10% faster
also gains friendships 15% faster

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Jock CAS trait by drewstacey

Jocks are very energetic and excited people. They can pump up a crowd and win every game. Jocks are often considered everyone's friend and can make new ones very quickly. Jocks are also very romantic and can't help but be a little flirty!

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Shy Trait for The Sims 4 -UDPATED:V.1:- by LucasNovato005 - MTS

Shy Sims are socially inept in every moment of life.
-Sims shy not get lucky in friendship
-Sims shy not get Lucky in Romance
-Sims shy not get Lucky in various interactions
-Sims shy slower gain social skills.
-Each place a rather timid will generate a different moodlet.

What's great?
-A new moodlet was added for when your Sims are flirty.
-Sims can now be ashamed even when not on the active embarrassed emotion.

Saturday, October 10, 2015

Author CAS Trait by drewstacey - MTS

These sims are all about creating worlds and stimulating the senses with their words. Authors easily find inspiration in anything and everything. These sims want to write all the the time and often find time to write instead of sleep

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Optimistic Trait for The Sims 4 by LucasNovato005

Sims optimistic are full of confidence and know what to say at the right time!

-Sims Optimists are more socially unstable and his social necessity falls a little slower.
-Sims Optimists earn the needs fun and faster social.
-Sims Optimists gain charisma need faster.
-Sims Optimistic do well in friendship, love and the various interactions.
-Two Modifiers were added. One leaves the rather confident and the other happy.

Monday, October 5, 2015

Loving Parent Trait by DrewShivers

No default mood
Need Decay
Bladder decays 10% slower
Fun decays 15% slower
Social decays 5% faster
Energy decays 6% slower
Hygiene decays 10% slower
Skill Gains
Learn the Homestyle Cooking skill 35% faster
Learn the Gourmet Cooking skill 20% faster
This is to compensate base game players
Learn the Baking skill 20% faster (GTW only)
Learn the Writing skill 15% faster
Learn the Photography skill 10% faster
Learn the Handiness skill 10% faster
Learn the Gardening skill 10% faster
Learn the Fishing skill 10% faster
Learn the Logic skill 15% faster

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Sarcastic Trait by waBAMBAM

Sarcastic sims are bored by default. Fun, Social, and Energy decays slightly slower and increase slightly faster than the rest of their needs. Mental, Creative and Social skills level faster, as well as comedy and mischief. Mix of Mean, Self-Assured, Snob and Gloomy traits, and Bored, Angry and Playful emotions. Relationships gain quicker and decay almost as fast. Whims are about what you would expect.

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Bear and Boyfriend & Girlfriend Material Trait by DrewShivers

At a first glance through the eyes of a stranger, any one person can look intimidating depending on key features including size, expression and sound. Often, a large man of extreme physique bearing a static or even angry appearance upon his face tends to come off too strongly. While it’s a possibility, these looks often only remain plastered to his exterior, rendering his interior the total opposite. He’s a big, plushy bear on the inside and out.

Like any bear, these sims bound around with a powerful presence and impressive body. It’s apparent they have no intentions to shave or drop the dumbbells any time soon. Bighearted and gentle, bears make excellent lovers and are nothing short of protective when it comes to family and friends. Poke him if you dare. He’ll be sure to poke back-in a number of ways.
There are those in the world who do not wish to settle down nor start a family. To be free and reckless is sometimes a desire held by both the young and old. The feeling is invigorating. However, there are those who aspire to obtain the opposite thrill in life. These sims want to find true love and are the ideal person to date and tend to make lifelong companions. They don’t want a summer fling, but a lifetime together and a family.

Saturday, September 26, 2015

Metalhead Trait by DrewShivers

I’m a big metalead and have been talking to a few others. I won’t give you a massive post with this one, don’t worry. Making alternative styled clothes is cool, but you need a chill trait to match such taste. Metalheads are the go hard, passionate, thrashing and rowdy bunch in the music world that appreciates deep vocals, a heavy sound and a sweet riff.

I’ll probably post this again in like..a big post. Maybe? I’m not sure. But.

As a metalhead, social skills are increased faintly, primarily friendships. Behavior is expected, meaning the sim will be energized and a music lover. Don’t worry though. Energized isn’t the default mood. There is none so it won’t cover another trait. Just behavior is altered. The guitar skill is learned substantially faster as well as the writing skill. Gotta’ write those heavy tunes yea? A little drink making is included to. Metalheads need less sleep and are always wanting to listen to music, dance, get hyped as well as play guitar and write songs to accompany their skill. Expect a little party-like behavior.

Monday, September 21, 2015

Traits by DrewShivers


It’s sometimes unknown as to why sims with a bigger brain meet the undesirable wall of bullying, but pointing and laughing at this guy studying at all those Llamacorns home games might make one feel silly now. This fellow has excelled in life and is climbing to new heights every moment-even space! From chess to space travel, he can do it all and it comes naturally, like any genius.


Did you really think you would win that argument? For every fact you have, this fellow has three to topple it and evidence on top of that. Lawyers are the ones that take on defense and prosecution in cases and serve the law loyally. Because of their social prowess, they tend to be bold in approaching others and are always seeking the truth.

Fairytale Prince & Princess

Whether coming from royalty or poverty, love has no bounds and neither will keep two lovers apart. You will never find a love so strong between a prince and his princess. These sims are anything but a story as they seek high and low to unite and spend eternity together.


Man and animal may have separate kingdoms but a fine line between these worlds contains unique creatures that come in countless flavors just like your average sim. Bearing teeth, claws, fur and even tails, furries are a perfect blend of human and animal alike and tend to walk on two feet like any person. Fantasy is far from realism and these beings strive in a community all of their own and even connect with normal sims.


No amount of will can extinguish the fiery determination of this sim. Thought to rise form the depths of evil itself, he has become infamous for the chaos that spreads like wildfire in his wake. Cold and cruel, he knows nothing of mercy and will waste his time not on such an act of kindness. Man, woman and child alike should be wary and avoid his presence when possible or suffer his wrath.


Creative sims tend to touch on various aspects of creation, from music, to art, to cooking and more. If it can be done, it can be done creatively. She can take a dream, a piece of scenery, a person or anything revolving around culture and bring it to life on a canvas with paint. Many sims require various tools to complete their interests or careers, but an artist only requires some inspiration and a sturdy brush. Expect nothing less than masterpieces from this sim.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Custom CAS Trait: Old Fashioned by DrewShivers

Over time, old family and life values become buried beneath the new generations’ ideas of each. Times change and those in the previous generations tend to wish the old days would return for good. Even though they may not get their wish, noting stops them from living the way they were raised. Perhaps these children raised as such will never let their beliefs smother out.

.Sims that are old fashioned remember the days where things cost less simoleons, people cared, violence was lessened and families behaved different. Values for this sim and their family remain strong, keeping them tight knit. Work ethic is something powerful and expected both in school and at work. This sim knows what’s important. Just remember, when your elderly neighbor asks you to mow their lawn, rake leaves, pull weeds and walk their dog for a single simoleon, that was a lot of cash in their time.

Old Fashioned Sims:

Are Happy by default (+1)
Need Decay
Fun decays 25% slower
Social decays 15% faster
Skill Gain
Learn the Homesytle/Gourmet Cooking skills 20% faster
This is to compensate base game users
Learn the Baking skill 20% faster (GTW only)
Learn the Photography skill 15% faster
Learn the Painting skill 10% faster
Learn the Piano skill 10% faster
Learn the Gardening skill 15% faster
Learn the Handiness skill 15% faster
Learn the Fishing skill 15% faster
Learn the Programming, Rocket Science and Video Gaming skills 15% slower
Learn the Charisma skill 10% faster
Learn the Mischief skill 10% slower

Friday, September 4, 2015

Ditsy Trait by EnticingSims

Ditsy sims don’t have a lot going on upstairs. They learn things 50% slower than other sims, but because their vanity is their strong suit, they’re really good at maintaining their looks with 50% faster skill gain on athletics. They gain comedy and and charisma 50% quicker because we all have that ditzy friend who is the life of the party.

Don’t make them criminals though, anything that uses a brain…. stick to entertainer and athlete careers and it will be smooth sailing. Unless you like a challenge.

Their needs increase at the normal rate, but their fun and energy decrease 25% more and their social decreases 50% less.

Sports freak Trait, the Bro without Broing by Viktor86

The Sports freaks loves sports, both on television and being active in training, sees competition in anything and always wants to win. I mean, anything: not just sports, but he wants to beat others in chess and gaming as well. Actively sporting doesn't stop with swimming, jogging and using sports equipment either, the sportsfreaks likes to fish, too. It sounds logical that all these related skills (fitness,logic, gaming and fishing) are increased at a higher rate than average, with fitness at a much higher rate (1.5) than the rest, because that's the most important part. Although, the sports freak is mostly interested in the Incredible Sports Game over other games, due to the fact it's more related to his interests and preferences than some other games.

Being obsessed with sports, training and competition means less time for romance and dating, making it harder for these Sims to gain and maintain romantic relationships. Unlike friendships, they are easier to gain and stay stronger over a longer period of time, because of the common interests between these Sims. The needs infected sound pretty clear: fun increases and decays at the same rate as fitness skilling. Social is slightly more increased than other needs, both in decay and increasing.

Because it's basically a merger and comprehensive version of the bro and active traits, so the whims are related to these two traits plus playing chess, fishing, (online) gaming and other forms of competition, like the shoe horse throwing competition. But I excluded these silly broish interactions, because these are horribly childish and not suitable for teens and adults! It speaks for itself that energized is the default emotion for Sports freaks, with no blocked emotions.

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Custom CAS Trait: Asperger Syndrome by DrewShivers

Asperger syndrome, also known as Asperger’s syndrome, Asperger disorder or simply Asperger’s, is an autism spectrum disorder that is characterized by significant difficulties in social interaction and nonverbal communication, alongside restricted and repetitive patterns of behavior and interests. It differs from other autism spectrum disorders by its relative preservation of linguistic and cognitive development. Although not required for diagnosis, physical clumsiness and atypical (peculiar or odd) use of language are frequently reported.

*Research found in various sources, personal messages given to me from bearers of the condition and WebDM.

Sims with Asperger Syndrome:

Are inspired by default (+1)
Social need decays 90% slower
Fun need decays 15% faster
Energy need decays 10% slower
Learn ALL Creative skills 30% faster
Learn the Logic and Rocket Science skills 30% faster
Learn the Charisma skill 20% slower
Child Creativity increased by 45%
Child Logic increased by 45%
Child Social reduced by 20%
Child Motor reduced by 20%
Friendships increase 15% slower and decay 20% faster
Mischievous relationships increase 15% faster and decay 20% faster
Autonomy includes that of the Genius, Clumsy, Hot Headed, Loner and Creative traits as well as the Inspired emotion
Whims include that of touching on each and every creative skill such as cooking, painting and writing, becoming inspired, logic based interactions, minor mischievous actions, scientific interest for adults and children, engaging in homework completion and extra credit for children and teens and  being alone

Zombie Trait by PixieSims

Supernatural part 3 - Zombie

Zombies are… zombies…






Tuesday, September 1, 2015

CAS Custom Trait: Yoga Instructor by DrewShivers

Breathe in deep, now exhale slowly. Don’t forget to hold your posture comfortably before releasing. As you mimic your instructor’s stretches, twists and poses, you cannot help but feel like a steel bar. She’s limber, fit and doesn’t appear at all bothered by shifting about her limbs every which way.

There are sims that know nothing of yoga and there are sims who use it for relieving tension. Attempting yoga blindly can result in accidents and muscles bending in the wrong direction, resulting in injury. This is where yoga instructors come in. These sims are kind by nature, love to mentor and live a healthy lifestyle.

Are Focused by default
Can never be Tense
Social need decays 15% faster
Energy need decays 15% slower
Hygiene need decays 20% slower
Learn the Homestyle Cooking skill 25% faster
Learn the Gourmet Cooking skill 20% faster
Learn the Wellness skill 60% faster (Spa Day owners only)
Learn the Fitness skill 40% faster
This is to compensate base game only users
Learn the Charisma skill 20% faster
Autonomy includes that of the Ambitious, Active, Good, Loves Outdoors and Outgoing traits as well as the Focused and Happy emotions
Whims include working out physically and using equipment, cooking lean meals such as various seafood dishes, breakfast foods, pastas and salads, making protein shakes,  researching workout tips, giving workout tips, mentoring others in fitness, dancing, cleaning and helping younger sims with homework

Prankster Trait by Viktor86

Pranksters like to come up with social jokes all the time. The default emotion of the prankster is playful and they will never get embarrassed, because they simply don't know any limits and make fun out of every situation. Their willingness to joke around has some consequences for their skills. Their mischief skill rises much faster than with other traits, about 1.5 compared to their normal speed. Their comedy and charisma skills are speed up as well, but slightly less than mischief. Even programming will speed up slightly, because pranksters don't limit their actions to real life: hacking and making a computer virus is part of their repertoire, too.

Pranksters need fun more often, otherwise they maybe get bored. It decays at a much higher rate than for other people. But when they're having fun, it increases much faster than normally. Because they need social interactions very hard for their jokes, social decays and increases at the higher than average rate. Next to that, most people don't like to be fooled at a certain amount of times. So it's harder for pranksters to gain friendships and romance. These decay faster and increase slower than normal.

The whims are related to pranking and mischief, comedy (writing and watching for new jokes), hacking, charisma and meeting new people (new people = new potential victims). Autonomy, when turned on, are related to some relevant existing traits and emotions.

Monday, August 31, 2015

Werewolf Trait by PixieSims

Werewolves are always energized, they always need to move and never get tired. Loves staying outside and people! They’re not good in romance and focusing on… everything! The only thing they’re good at is sport, any kind of sport, and eating.







Custom CAS Trait: Paramedic by DrewShivers

Pull out those latex gloves and get ready to inspect some ailing sims. Duty calls. Everyday you watch patients enter the health facility with minor to serious fevers and deadly diseases. It’s your job to diagnose and treat patients in the hospital and even out in the world when possible. Cleanly and gregarious, it’s all about the patient’s well being to you and having a big heart in the medical field can be both promising and difficult.

Paramedics are the ones that strive to save lives, create cures and help bring little nooboos into the world. Being cleanly, focused and friendly is only a fraction of the job. Whether this sim is performing serious surgery, doing paper work and working on medical files or mopping up puddles as an intern, they’re always busy. Hope you’re not squeamish. If you are, you may suggest talking to the secretary at the front desk and ask her to swap jobs. She’ll most likely say no, but it’s worth a shot, right?


Are Focused by default
Can never be Dazed
Career: Doctor, needs decay 40% slower (GTW owners only)
To assist the Doctor career
Fun need decays 20% slower and replenishes 10% faster
Social need decays 20% faster
Energy need decays 25% slower and replenishes 10% faster
Hygiene need decays 40% slower
Learn the Homestyle Cooking 15% faster
Learn the Writing skill 35% faster
Learn the Programming skill 15% faster
Learn the Handiness skill 40% faster
To assist the Doctor career (X-Ray machines)
Learn the Logic skill 50% faster
Learn the Physical skill 20% faster
Learn the Charisma skill 20% faster
Learn the Mischief skill 20% slower
Autonomy includes that of the Active, Bookworm, Genius and Outgoing traits and the Focused emotion.
Whims include creating mathematical diagrams on the easel, all usage of herbalism such creating remedies, using potions to cure sicknesses and testing herbs(ODR owners only), repairing and upgrading objects, general friendly interactions, practicing programming, researching on the computer, reading a book and cleaning the house

Sassy Trait by Simsomedia

Description: These sims are bold and full of spirit. As confident sims they never get sad or embarrassed. These sims gain charisma and comedy x2 times faster than normal sims and are a hit in a room full of people. Additional Info: Social and fun skills decrease slower and increase faster.