Showing posts with label Mods - Traits. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mods - Traits. Show all posts

Thursday, December 24, 2015

The Socially Awkward Trait by conka2000

This trait is for sims who have trouble in all things social.

The features of this trait are:
- Can gain a +3 Embarrassed moodlet for 4 hours randomly
- Building comedy and charisma skills slower than other sims
- Cannot become confident
- Building friendly and romantic relationships slower
- Hindered performance in social based careers (e.g. entertainer) and improved performance in less socially demanding careers (e.g. scientist)

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Charismatic Trait by Vyunabae

A new character trait for the Sims4! Making friends and finding partners is a lot quicker now. Your charisma skill can be quickly improved practicing speech in a mirror or interacting with other Sims. You’ll find the new trait in the Social tab. 112 Social whims have been added to ensure that your Sim seeks company to spread their charm!

Install this mod just like any other mod!

Here’s the description of the trait:
Charismatic, flirty and confident! Your Sim will be able to make friends easily and woo their future partners even quicker. They leave a lasting impression, enabling them to stay friends longer with everyone they meet. Full of confidence, your Sim will never be embarrassed. On the contrary, they don’t like upsetting anyone, so their ability to learn to be mischievous is reduced.

Sunday, December 20, 2015

Fangirl Trait by FinSims

“This sim is easily obsessed, and probably depressed. They enjoy being alone, and love watching TV and being on the computer (probably Tumblr). They combine loner, music lover, geek, and gloomy into one mush of fandom trash. They are lucky in love - probably from all the fanfiction they read and write - and form strong friendships.”

Friday, December 18, 2015

Bossy Trait by FrillySimmer

My first piece of CC! Woooo! I decided to make a bossy trait as the sims 4 was really lacking of one. I’m really not sure if anyone else has made this already, but I wanted to make my own anyway. Here’s some info on the trait:

Found in the social category
Confident by default
Mean and Confident Whims
Can’t feel embarrassed
Will perform confident and self-assured actions autonomously
Relationships increase slower & Relationships decrease slower

Monday, December 14, 2015

Protective Trait by DrewShivers

Love is powerful and some are willing to do absolutely anything for the one(s) in their heart. The unfortunate result of being protective at times is that the one that they love may become a little bothered or crowded. Good intentions are solely there and any protective person is only trying to help and ensure their loved one is safe. Easily angered at times and a bit too worrisome, protective sims cannot seem to go more than a few moments without their lover. But, with understanding, compassion and a little reassurance, it’s possible to snap them out of their stressful state.
Protective Sims:

No default mood
Need Decay
Social decays 13% faster
Energy decays 5% faster
Skill Gain
Learn the Logic skill 10% faster
Learn the Charisma skill 5% faster
Romantic relationships increase 10% faster
The Hot Headed, Romantic and Loner traits are active
Loners prefer few or a single strong bond over crowds

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Scrooge Trait by DrewShivers

Ah, the holidays are nearing! Presents are being wrapped and joy is being spread throughout each and every heart in town-except for one beating box that just can’t seem to gather any warmth from the surrounding love in the air. Though frigid, testy and incredibly greedy, this scrooge just might find it in his heart to learn compassion this year. No one ever grants him visits nor pays him any mind, for they know of his spiteful ways, but perhaps he may get a special visitor this year to change his mind. Or three..


No default mood
Need Decay
Fun decays 35% slower
Social decays 20% slower
Skill Gains
Learn the Mischief skill 20% faster
Friendships increase 3% slower
Mischievous relationships increase 10% faster
The Hot Headed, Hates Children, Loner, Materialistic and Snob traits are active. Materialistic has the highest adjusted rate.
When it comes to material items, any scrooge will want to own bigger and better. The more money is costs, the better. The sim will want to buy items for the house that are X amount of simoleons. The price increases with each advance
Not only does the sim wish to purchase items, but admiring them is important as well as bragging
Numerous pranks and cruel tricks are desired to initiate
From time to time, the sim will wish to be alone
On the rare occasion that a fight occurs, the scrooge might find it in their cold heart to wish to apologize
Special Buff
“Bah! Humbug!”
While angered, the sim will receive a small buff that briefly increases the rate of mischievous relationships and the mischief skill itself. Mean behavior will of course be desired as well as the anger settles into the sim.

Saturday, November 21, 2015

Lackluster Trait by DrewShivers

Have you ever met someone so boring that you just cannot stand being around them? No matter what you do or say, they just cannot seem to enjoy or actually really try to make the conversation flourish with content. This sim is as dull as ever. You would think that with all of the activities in the world, one would never get bored, but this sim seems to find a way no matter what they are doing. Despite suggesting fun activities to others and desiring to engage in them, this sim cannot hold interest for long and so begins an endless cycle of boredom. How about llama riding? Or even collect special treasures?

Nah..sounds boring.

Lackluster Sims:

Bored by default (+2)
Need Decay
Fun decays 7% faster and replenishes 10% slower
Social decays 10% slower
Skill Gains
No changes have been made to skill gains
The Lazy trait is active
The Bored emotion is currently present
This combination makes for a listless sim
Basic social desires exist, both friendly and romantic
Bored sims are desperate to find an interest. Because of this, the sim will desire to collect objects, play games, watch television and even read a book. If an object is not currently in the house, it will be desired to be purchased instead
Staying at home does not quite help bored and so the sim will want to travel to different venues in search of fun. This includes locations such as the bar, club or even museum
Lazy behavior such as watch television and nap are present
A sim will want to suggest fun activities to others

Monday, November 16, 2015

Alien Disguise Tweaks - the "Perfect Disguise" Trait by Saptarshi - MTS

Tested with Base Game v.
You need Get to Work Expansion Pack for this mod to work.

 Mod description:
Perfect Disguise Trait - Your alien sims will not get discovered by interacting with someone while glowing.
As a "side-effect", and regardless of the trait, your undisguised alien sims will not be embarrassed when they get "discovered".
(Those who "discover" will still get the Angry / Confident moodlets.)
Please read the Download instructions section below for more information.

 You can get the trait from the Rewards Store. The price is 500 SP. Only alien sims can purchase the trait.
※Please be aware, that adopting this trait will make the 'Double Life' Achievement pretty lame... ...or not. I guess it depends.

This mod does NOT:
- Prevent other means of getting discovered, such as using alien powers or walking around undisguised.
- Remove your already known status. Please erase their memories as usual.

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Nihilistic Trait by Jayzaki - MTS

Who cares? We're all gonna die anyway. At least that's what a Nihilistic Sim thinks. Convinced that life does not matter, Nihilistic Sims steer away from relationships and prefer a life of simpler things (such as an outrageous amount of Juice.) Never to be inspired, these Sims live their life how they desire. Even if they didn't, it's not like it matters, right?

Existential nihilism is the philosophy that life doesn't matter, or has no value. This trait will make your Sim adapt that philosophy and live more recklessly than most.

Increases/Decreases Include:
- 50% social decay decrease
- 10% energy decay decrease
- 60% romance gain decrease
- 30% friendship gain decrease
- 25% fun gain increase

Emotional Modifications Include:
Never inspired

Whims Include:
- Going Drinking
- Fighting Someone
- Become Angry
- Many more of similar tone

The trait should be very stable and mostly balanced. Let me know if you'd like tuning or if you feel some of the decreases/increases could be adjusted.

Saturday, November 7, 2015

Rebellious Trait by DrewShivers

Rules were meant to be broken-at least you think so, and that really seems to tick people off. You’d have it no other way! Prank after prank, rebels intend to leave their mark and trail a bit of mayhem behind them as they flee the scene. Most rebels believe in a cause and jump into the action while others have no cause and simply enjoy being mischievous.


No default mood
Need Decay
Fun decays 12% faster
Social decays 7% faster
These were tweaked accordingly to avoid mass need stacking during the usage of other custom traits
Skill Gains
Learn the Comedy skill 15% faster
Learn the Mischief skill 37% faster
Child Social has been increased by 20%

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Social Butterfly Trait by DrewShivers

When it comes to socialization, there are those that flop and those that soar. Social butterflies never spend a day alone, for communication is the wind beneath their wings. It isn’t uncommon for a person of this nature to confront strangers or attempt to bring people together. Humans are social creatures and this person cannot seem to go a day without contact.

Social Butterflies:

No default mood for version one
Happy by default for version two
Need Decay
Fun decays 15% slower
Social decays 30% faster
Energy decays 15% slower
Skill Gains
Learn the Comedy skill 10% faster
Learn the Charisma skill 20% faster
Learn the Mischief skill 25% slower

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Traits by DrewShivers

 Custom CAS Trait: Vampiric
Many take the sun for granted and view it as an annoyance or just another source for light that rises high in the sky to use daily. Once encountered by this creature, they’ll have wished that the sun were there to shroud them in its powerful rays of light as a form or protection. Vampires roam the night, cursed to forever hunger for the blood of the living. Each warm drop provides life that this vampiric creature cannot survive without. Madness finds those that do not sate this hunger. As the sun begins to escape sight when the dark approaches, be thankful that it will rise once more, and hope that you will live to see it again.
 Custom CAS Trait: Poltergeist
Death is inevitable and a sim can only avoid its chilling grasp for so long before being taken to the next life. Those that have found peace often remain on the other side and only return to the world of the living to visit loved ones or to recapture memories lost. Not all spirits are kind. Many ghosts have unfinished business to attend to, whether it be the pure desire to spread chaos in its wake or to take on a single goal: revenge. Be kind to those in life, or your may find suffering far worse than the ones you have wronged. An eternity of being haunted by those restless spirits will drown you in endless remorse.

Hashimoto’s Disease Trait by Nuclearxwaffles

I made this for me personally, but yeah, if you have the disease and want it, or if you wanna make a sim that has it.

Mood is “uncomfortable” by default, but as you can see, you can break out of that.  I got flirty from watching the Romance channel, and happy from good decor, and it broke me out of uncomfortable.

The sim will never become energized.

Monday, October 26, 2015

Survivor Trait by pastel-sims - MTS

Survivor Trait. Can be found under ‘Lifestyle.’

Being a survivor is not only about being athletic, you have to be quick-witted too. Your sim learns survival skills faster than any other.

Default emotion: Focused- Social Need Decays Slower- Fun Decays Slower
Better at these skills: Herbalism, Gardening, Fishing, Logic, Fitness
Whims: Become Focused, Work Out on a Workout Machine, Try for baby (Expand Population), tell a story, talk about cooking, get sore from workout, basic gardening whims, stargaze, wood working, repairing, collect items, fishing, and much more!

Saturday, October 24, 2015

Green Thumb Trait by MissLogicielle - MTS

Sims with a green thumb are great gardeners, they'll easily gain skill in Gardening and Herbalism. Plus, with their knowledge of fruits and vegetables they'll be better cooks. Their hygiene bar will drop slighty faster than the other Sims as they're always in the dirt.

Sims with this trait will:
-Gain the Gardening Skill and Herbalism faster than the other sims.
-Gain the Cooking, Gourmet Cooking and Baking slighty faster than the others.
-Have their Hygiene bar drop a little faster than the other Sims.[Almost not noticeable]
-Want to garden a lot.

Traits by DrewShivers

Green Thumb V2

As time progresses, I improve with trait creation. A secondary version for my Green Thumb trait was requested to include perks and additions to Herbalism. And, so I have created two more versions of the trait.

Original Trait
The trait is as stands in the original post linked above
Green Thumb V2
This version contains all stats as the original trait, but has an immense boost to herbalism and whims involving herbalism. The default mood has been reduced to +1.
Green Thumb V2 - No Mood
This version is updated with Herbalism, and all base attributes like the original. There is no default mood in this version.

Anon requested and the only of its kind at the moment, this version of my Schizophrenia was created with special needs and a skill tweak. As requested, your version includes:

Dazed by default +1
Need Decay
Social decays 25% slower and replenishes 10% faster
Skill Gain
Learn the Charisma Skill 20% slower
Learn the Painting skill 5% faster
The Gloomy, Lazy and Insane traits are currently active
All Other Attributes Have Remained at Base Value

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Friend With Benefits Trait by DrewShivers

When feeling alone and wanting a quick dose of loving, many turn to clubs and strangers for their fix. But there’s always that one sim whose love is explosive. Commitment isn’t important to this sim, but the feeling of lust is and spending the night together in love is easier to absorb than the thought of marriage or dating. Friends with benefits are close-sometimes, and aren’t always down for a casual hangout. But the moment that one call comes in, you can guarantee the phone’s going on vibrate on the nightstand for the next few hours. What’s wrong with falling in love for the night?

Friends With Benefits:

No default mood
Need Decay
Fun decays 10% faster
Social decays 10% faster
Energy decays 15% slower
Hygiene decays 20% slower
Skill Gains
Learn the Video Gaming skill 15% faster
This is a socially focused trait, not a skill building trait, so a minor boost for gamers has been added for small flavor
Learn the Comedy skill 30% faster
Charisma skill 20% faster
All Friendships and Romantic relationships increase 15% faster
Normal rate decay has been initiated due to the sim wanting various romantic partners and friendships. No severe romantic bond is intended to be desired or held onto

Socialite Trait by DrewSimmer

These sims are well known and very charismatic. Socialites are very friendly people and make connections quickly. They also like spending lots of their time taking pictures and traveling.




Social decays 20% slower BUT increases 15% slower
Hygiene decays 7% faster
Fun decays 16% faster

Writing increases 20% faster
Comedy increases 15% faster
Charisma increases 60% faster
Photography increase 35% faster

Friendships increase 25% faster and decay 10% slower

Saturday, October 17, 2015

Custom CAS Trait: Lush by DrewShivers

Alcohol isn’t for everyone. While it may seem like a useless liquid to some, this sim tends to disagree. Whether the life of the party, a raging drinker or a dependent person needing to drink to cope, lushes never seem to know when to stop. This addiction tends to affect those around them, and not usually positively, resulting in reckless decisions and even friendship loss. Nonetheless, these sims are people too and don’t disappoint when it comes to partying or humor. If you happen to know a lush and he or she invites you to tip llamas at midnight after a night at the bar, try to steer them clear.


No default mood
Need Decay
Bladder decays 13% faster and replenishes 5% faster
Social decays 10% slower
Energy decays 15% slower
Skill Gains
Learn the Mixology skill 52% faster
Learn the Comedy skill 20% faster
Learn the Mischief skill 15% faster

Friday, October 16, 2015

Custom CAS Trait: Politician by DrewShivers

When it comes down it it, every city needs leadership in order to thrive. Without it, various places that sims call home could fall into ruin. Those that strive to help the economy, bring what’s best for the people and business alike are none other than politicians. These sims are the epitome of confidence and leadership and know how to save a simoleon or two in the process. Various politicians run against one another in the race for full leadership while others work closer to home and assist numerous other issues.


Confident by default (+1)
No default mood
Version 2 only