Showing posts with label Mods - Objects. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mods - Objects. Show all posts

Sunday, September 13, 2015

15 Slots on EA's Microwaves - Default Override by OM

Have you ever wanted to put things on top of the Sims 4 microwaves just like people do in real life?  Now you can.  This mod adds 15 slots to the top of all the EA microwaves currently in the game.  It is a default override containing just the resources needed to add slots.  This means that there won't be any extra catalog entries or extra stuff lagging your game.  

The Sims use the microwave as usual even if you have an item in every single slot.  All the slots are small deco slots except for the one in the center which is a medium slot.  Nothing about the microwaves will change except that you can now put stuff on top of them.

Saturday, September 5, 2015

New Mods at Mod The Sims

Easy Performance for Active Jobs by Egureh

You may know my "Work/Study Hard" Gains More Performance mod, which is for away jobs.
Now here I made a mod for active jobs to gain performance easiler. You can use them both.
This mod only increases PERFORMANCE at ACTIVE jobs. Your Sims still have to do the extra requirements.
*Active job means: Follow your Doctor/Detective/Scientist Sims to their work place.

Mod Effects 2 Flavors. CHOOSE ONLY ONE.

Performance X2: Performance of active jobs gains at 2x of EA defaults.
Large - 50% (EA: 25%)
Medium - 30% (EA: 15%)
Small - 14% (EA: 7%)
Performance X4: Performance of active jobs gains at 4x of EA defaults.
Large - 100% (EA: 25%)
Medium - 60% (EA: 15%)
Small - 28% (EA: 7%)

Both flavors have following effects: Performance of active jobs losses at 1/5 of EA defaults.
Large - 6% (EA: 30%)
Medium - 4% (EA: 20%)
Small - 2% (EA: 10%)

Hygiene + Mod by Fissure

What the mod changes
I went a little different route on this one compared to my other mods in this theme.
All sinks have been given the hygiene gain from the sink with the highest hygiene gain in the game (6 is description value in-game).
Showers have been increased to 10 (2.51 in the game files) with an exception for the Get To Work reward shower that was given a value of 3.0 in the game files (rewards should be rewarding).
Bathtubs have also been increased to 10 (2.51) ingame with an exception for the two most expensive ones that have really high values at default for some reason (3.5 and 7.0).
The two hot-tubs hygiene performance was not changed since I consider they are not for getting clean, but i did raise the fun and environment on the cheaper hot-tub to that of the more expensive one.

Bar Mod (Inreases the drink quality on all bars) by Fissure 

What the mod changes
So this mod will change the "Drink Quality" modifier for all the bars to 10 (multiplier 3.5 in-game).
So now you can use whatever bar that best fits you decoration taste and not get punished with low quality drinks.
Like my previous mod I left all other stats on the bars unchanged.

Saturday, August 29, 2015

Change Appearance with Mirror FIX by Miss Puff

This mod fixes a bug that would result in sims not being able to use the Change Appearance interaction on a wall mirror, if the mirror is placed above another object, such as a dresser or sink. With this mod, the Change Appearance interaction will work the same as other mirror interactions, and sims should now be able to use it without complaining that something is in the way.

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Functional Retail "Little Sprout" Seed Display by Menaceman44

This is a new seed display known as the Little Sprout Seed Display which functions as a planter allowing seeds to be purchased from it directly. Designed to fit in with a retail setting of a garden store or similar, this may also be used on home lots.

This is a brand new object that will allow Sims to purchase starter packs of seeds, just like the garden planters already in the game. They do not allow you to attempt to plant produce in them. That would be silly. You will receive a notification when seeds are purchased and they will be placed in the purchasing Sim's inventory as normal.

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Bonsai "Convert to Decorative" fix by DarkWalker

Ever noticed that only Bonsai Shrubs at exactly the "Excellent" quality can be converted to Bonsai Trees, despite the tooltip saying that it should work on Excellent and above qualities? This tiny mod fixes that, allowing higher quality Bonsai Shrubs to be converted like the tool tip promises.

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

No Free Toys by Plasticbox

Similarly to No Free Books, this makes it so that when sims buy a toybox they get a toybox. And not a 60§ toybox filled with 200§ toys, because that makes about -140 sense.

Monday, August 3, 2015

Garden Variety by Plasticbox

These are overrides for some of the garden plants that give them different meshes and custom textures, for more variety. The wild-growing variants are also included in each package (changes are identical). This is not a complete overhaul, it only contains those plants my sims currently have which were bothering me most.

Craftables made recolourable by Plasticbox