
Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Deadly Toddlers Mod by Studio Of Drama

This is a custom script mod so it shouldn't conflict with any other mods or override in-game Interactions/Animation
Interactions are 0% autonomous and Your toddlers will never perform them without user direction

"Deadly Toddlers" Mod contains 8 new interactions "Explained Down Below In The "Available Interactions" Tab"

This mod adds new "Buffs"
This mod contains new custom animations
Custom animations include sounds/voices/effects/lip syncing
Blood will come out of the sim's stabbed area & will have a stab wound once stabbed & toddlers will become bloody
You can kill whoever You want whenever You want "Except for the grim reaper because that would make all dead sims stuck"
Your toddler will enjoy killing other sims & instead of mourning or panicking they will clap happily
Toddlers who performed a mischief interaction will occasionally Twitch/Look At Bloody Knife/Ignite A Flameball until the assigned buff is over
This Mod doesn't require any additional packs & works with "BASE GAME"
Sims will react to the events in different ways according to the situation & will run away from the deadly toddler after performing any mischief interactions


  1. Replies
    1. im trying to figure it out i freakin dont iven know sorry about bad spelling bute im still trying to download it like what i dont know but that mod looks so so so sooo funny the sims 4 is amzing so um i hope you find a way to download it

  2. I'm so in love with this mod hahah but theres a bit of the toddlers dad keeps running away from her! and well even though shes evil she still needs help lol any way to fix this?

    1. aaa I'm having the same issue. entire household won't go near her, including nannies. i suppose thats why they added the refill emotions ability thingy aha

    2. ok so i made the adults partners in crime with the toddler and that seemed to work?

    3. I am pretty sure, the two sims would have to be Partners in Crime?

    4. i tried making them partners in crime, but it won't work.

    5. Which sucks because Chucky is about to die due to neglect

  3. Please, please, PLEASE could someone make a Chucky Sim to go along with this? Thx.

    1. CaptainSauce made a video of a Chucky

  4. This mod seriously gives me the Chucky vibes!

  5. where do i download?

  6. Can someone fix the clean self up option its no longer there nd the parent wont go near the toddler

    1. It has the option for the adult but not the toddler

    2. u cant wash it off the toddler does it do him/her self

  7. how do you download this? ... i want it realy bad

  8. This is an all-in-one post for your every Best Sims 4 Toddler Mods list. Here we have provided detailed instructions on how you can download
