
Updated - MC Command Center by Deaderpool

Updated to 3.0.0. Change notes are posted down near the bottom of the download description

My goal with this module is to expand the functionality and story progression within the Sims 4. I was inspired by Twallan's Master Controller mod for the Sims 3, so any similarity is INTENDED.

Here is a description of each of the modules and their functionality.

McCmdCenter This is the main module. It is needed for anything else to work. It has a few "cheat"-type commands built-in, but does very little by itself otherwise.

McCmdCenter_dresser This module allows configuration of black and white lists for specific outfit items. This allows greater control of what Sims will be wearing and methods to run to "clean-up" Sims that are not wearing desired clothing items.

McCmdCenter_pregnancy This module creates a basic story progression of neighborhood Sims in that they can get married and have children as they age-up without direct user control.

McCmdCenter_population This module simulates other basic story progression of moving homeless Sims into households. It has some other moving-in/moving-out type options included as well.

McCmdCenter_cleaner This module handles some basic cleaning-the-game options. Getting rid of homeless ghosts, setting some default makeups on Sims as they age-up...that sort of thing.