
Sunday, March 20, 2016

Thirst be gone! by HellsGuard

Version 1.15.55 (February 4th Update)


This mod simply sets the decay rate of the hidden Thirst motive/commodity to 0.0, instead of the default of 0.07, effectively removing the need/want for your sim to get a drink autonomously from anything.

I have ran this in my game for roughly 3 weeks (sim weeks, not fast forwarding except for sleep), and no one in my household even knows what a drink is unless I tell them.

Tested with new games, and existing games.
In 1 of the 3 existing games, the sim did get a drink autonomously but I believe that to have been due to an already low Thirst level, they haven't drank since then (3 Sim Weeks).

Should work with every EP/GP/SP, as it doesn't rely on anything specific within them.

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