
Saturday, January 23, 2016

Silly Trait by Peterskywalker!

Silly sims are often playful, and love to mess around and act funny. They gain friendships easily because they are so fun to be around, and love to be around playful/funny sims. Unfortunately, silly sims are constantly in need of fun, and find focusing decor, and serious sims boring. Silly sims also gain certain mental skills slower, finding them tedious as well.

Here are the details of the silly trait
Gain comedy, mischief, Video Gaming, and Child motor skill at 1.4 times the regular rate
Gain welness, rocket science, programming, logic, and child mental skill at .7 times the rate
Gain friendship relationship and mischief relationship at 1.3 times the regular rate
Fun decays at 1.6 times the regular rate but also increases faster from interactions
All focusing decor gives off a bored environment moodlet

Furthermore, silly sims occasionally gain one of two buffs randomly
Feeling Playful: Gives sims a +1 playful moodlet and temporary increases friendship and mischief relationship gain to 1.6 (3 times as likely to gain this moodlet over the second one)
Feeling Super Playful!: Grants a +2 playful moodlet and temporary increases Child motor, comedy, mischief, and video game skills to 2 times the normal rate

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