
Thursday, January 14, 2016

Couch Together by Artrui

Attention: These are not CC pose, but partly invisible seats. Sims sit near to each other causes partly overlapping of their body. But sometimes, you can get very nice screenshots.

How to apply this mod?
- Find the 3 mostly invisible seats under: Buy mode/comfort/living chair (2 for sitting on an armrest of a sofa**, 1 for sitting on a sofa height);
- Place them near a sofa for example like the screenshots below. Each seat has a round dot as a mark of the seat position. (It's very small. see the red arrows).
- There are more possibilities to combine a sofa with these extra seats. It's up to you to place them: in grid, off grid or turn the angle of seat - all works!
- Click the objects on the floor (Mega books, obened book or stylus) to let Sims sit on the wanted place. *

* All these 3 objects on floor don't block the walk way. But If you place other objects within it's green marked area and less than a half grid before the green arrow, it could block the sims to take the seat or leave the seat.
** The 2 sit-on-armrest seats are made to fit the base game "cuttlefish sofa" armrest and other sofas with similar armrests.

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