
Friday, October 9, 2015

Studio Effect Player by Andrew - Sims 4 Studio

This mod will allow you to play any effect from the game and you can select from a list of over 6000 effects.

Getting Started:
Buy the Studio Effect Player (§1 in Misc Entertainment section)
Click on it and choose Select Effect
Enter the name of an EA effect from the list below
After starting an effect, you can stop it by clicking it again.  You will also have the option to replay it.

Once you have mastered the use of one effect player... buy some more.

You will get more options when you have more than one placed:
Hide Others - This will hide all effect players except the one that you have clicked.  This is particularly useful when taking screenshots or making videos where you don't want the effect player to show but you do want the effect.
Show All - After hiding them, you may need to un-hide them so you can move them and/or delete some of them.
Stop All - This will stop all effects.
Replay All - This will restart all effects that you have placed.  It is useful not only if you have stopped them, but also for effects that do not loop like explosions.

Tips on Placing Effects:

Effect player can be moved in Live Mode by clicking and dragging
You can move your cursor over an effect player to see the name of the effect it is using
Use the bb.moveobjects cheat code and you can use Ctrl+9/Ctrl+0 to move them up and down.
If working with large effects, you may want to use EA's cheat to enlarge the effect player with the '[' key while placing it.
Effects placed will be saved with your game.
If you hide all effect players and delete the one that is not hidden, simply buy a new one to get the menu back.

Thanks OM