
Monday, August 24, 2015

Cloning Machine: Success Rate and Put Item In Inventory by mysadnessday

Draggable item: Hit 'Clone' - Waiting - Fail/Success - DRAG ITEM OUT - Put it in inventory - Repeat
Non draggable item: Hit 'Clone' - Waiting - Success - TO BUILD MODE - Put it in inventory - TO LIVE MODE - Repeat

I got tired of these process so I create a small mod that increase the base success chance and put the item in sim's inventory/household inventory when it done.
Now just :
Hit 'Clone' - Waiting - Fail/Success - Repeat (you can queue action now)

There have 3 file:
- 50% base success rate (default base success rate), up to 70% depending on several cases.
- 90% base success rate, up to >100% depending on several cases.
- 100% base success rate.

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