
Friday, March 13, 2015

Change Career Branch by scumbumbo

Both versions of this mod are script mods, even though there's also a package in the full phone-based version, so make sure you read the install instructions below if you feel you must skip my wordy (but well-intentioned) introduction.... **sniff**

Change Career Branch Mod

The Sims 4 won't allow sims to change their career branch once they have chosen one. Once my professional gamer sim got tired of playing games and wanted to start up her own tech business, she insisted that I do something about this. So, not wanting to disappoint her, I poked around in the game to find out why changing the career branch isn't allowed even with testing and debug cheats. Because that's what I do -- and do my sims even appreciate all that work?!? Of course not! I have yet to have a single sim thank me, and they continue to take a break from entertaining me to do absolutely stupid things like....

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