
Thursday, September 11, 2014

Weirder Walkstyles Disabled by Shimrod101

This mod disables some of the walkstyles by replacing them with other walkstyles in the game. Here is a list of the changes:

Really has to Pee walk is replaced by the Fast walk on all sims except Child. Child sims have the Run style and will run/jog to the toilet.
Angry walk is replaced by the Tough walk on all sims.
Snooty walk is replaced by the normal Default walk for males and Feminine walk for females. Child sims use the default child walk.
Perky walk is replaced by the normal Default walk for males and Feminine walk for females. Child sims use the default child walk.
Goofy walk is replaced by the normal Default walk for males and Feminine walk for females. Child sims use the default child walk.
Sleepy walk is replaced by the Slow walk on all sims.

1 comment:

  1. Thank goodness, I was hoping it wouldn't be long before something like this came along.
