
Friday, August 15, 2014

Not going anywhere

Update - After a recent conversation with a creator and learning about a 'pay for feature' thing going on in this community, I will not be going anywhere.  I honestly had no idea about this but now those emails asking me how much it will cost to get on my blog are making a lot more sense.


  1. Oh no... I had no idea you were going through all of this. I come to this site daily and refresh all the time just to keep up to date on all of the amazing CC out there. I am very saddened you are dropping this blog... but I can understand your frustrations. I can only hope that you continue to update even though you are being copied.

  2. Wow, I had no idea that was going on. It's not fair at all. I'm another daily visitor. And I visit the sims 3 blog even when I am not playing the sime. It's terrible you were pushed to these lengths by a leecher. I hope you know that the rest of the sims community supports you and values the work that you do.

  3. Continue to fight them. Don't give up. We all know who the original is.

  4. That's sad, you are the biggest sims cc finds blog and you will be missed SO BAD!

    1. MS3B isn't going anywhere. It has been mostly updated by my niece for the last two years and I think she is doing a great job. She has no interest in The Sims 4, so she will stick with TS3.

      As for this blog, I still don't know. I'm torn because I am still looking forward to TS4, despite the things that were cut and seeing all of your messages is melting my ice heart a little.

    2. Please don't go. We all know who the original is and we appreciate your work SO much.

  5. I'm very peeved that they would do such a thing. Do you have suggestions for a different finds site since this one will not be kept going? Thank you for all the hard work.

  6. Don't let 'em get to you. Now that we all know what has been happening, we are here to support you. I always go here first for any updates to CC for my Sims games.

  7. The real test will be if they copy this post as well.

  8. This doesn't surprise me, but I'm sorry to hear it. Liana's greed has gone beyond disgusting.

  9. If it makes you feel any better, I never heard of that person before. I only knew of your blog. I never had any reason to go to any other blog but yours.

  10. Dear MySims4Blog,

    I've been following your MySims3Blog for the past two years (sometimes everyday) and even though I don't have the skills to contribute my own custom content, I love the Sims 3 CC and I play the game religiously with them. I've never spoken out in simmer forums for anything, but I won't think twice to support you and your magnificent blog. Yours is the only Sims blog I read, it is my one source for finding CC, and I am always impressed by its incredible depth, fullness, and organization.

    I don't know who these other bloggers are, and frankly, I couldn't have cared less about them until now. I can't imagine how frustrated you must now be, but I would hate to see the laziness and dishonesty of lesser bloggers bring down the one that I rely on. You've lead me to so many countless bits of inspiration over the years, I only hope that I can support you with the thought that the quality of your work and devotion speaks for itself.

    I'm with you,

    Michael T. (SimmerXiang)

  11. Oh my gosh I had no clue this was happening and I feel so bad now considering I've been checking sims3updates from time to time :/...
    It won't happen again now ....
    I'm so so sorry you've been threw this I'm OBSESSED with your blog It's pretty much my CC bible. Please don't feel discourage cause the community will always appreciate your effort and the work you put into your blog <3
    I'll mourn MS4B tho ( yes I was already obsessed with it XD)

    1. That's not what I want. She posts stuff I do not and gives exposure to others who might not get it if it wasn't for her. I'm more disgusted with her (and the affiliates/her other sites) constantly on my case about posting their stuff, adding/joining their sites, and the dishonest "we love your blog - add me" messages.

  12. Wow, I've been following this blog since its inception :( I will be sad to see you go!

  13. Sorry to hear that....but i really love your blog.

  14. I'm really sad but I don't blame you, all the work you put into your blog just to have someone copy, *sigh*.

  15. Please dont go! We love you! I absolutely hate their dontation hungry sites with their plastic spray painted sims. Your the best and the only site for great cc in my eyes. I look through both of your blogs daily. Youve inspired so many stories and enriched so many ppls game play. The day your blog goes away will be a sad sad day indeed. Dont let money hungry b****** ruin something youve put so much time, care, and love into.

  16. please don't go, i love this blog for cc ! :(

  17. Oh no!!!! That is sad...please stay... I love your's the first thing I do in the to see what is new on your blog...Don't let them ruin your blog...hope you stay :(

  18. ~ If you leave we that have relied on your site everyday,will then have to go to one of those parasite sites, as we will be left with nowhere else to go, maybe that was the goal all along!
    ~ They win in the end,is there no way of stopping them,I know others whom have already ended up in JAIL for doing the same thing,as they broke thousands of COPY RIGHTS!
    ~ IT IS AGAINST THE LAW to do so,& it is a Jail-able offence!

  19. Please don't go, for me also the first thing I do when opening my pc is going to check your new finds, for so many years now ! It would be so sad if you let dishonest persons win over you, please continue this exceptional blog ! (forgive my English not my language)

  20. It is indeed sad that they do this..
    But at the same time, why do you care? Your blog is still the original source. Is it because you want more followers? I'm not trying to be rude, but I think you should just ignore it and continue doing what you do. There will always be copy-cats.

    1. Getting followers and traffic has never been a problem for my original blog and now this one.

  21. Woh I did not know about copying. I just assumed the 2 sites to be different and both sites just feature whatever new content is out there for the sims. I will say , that, on the other site, the layout is better, as it shows all the content available on one page. On this blog , you have to revert back to several pages to see all the new creations. I think that someone whose creations are further back miss the opportunity of fair exposure, and advertising of their creation. Furthermore, the other site features sim models, from many people. This site, is much more selective , picking only quirky odd sims, who are nice, but this site is not catering for the different tastes of many, it just seems to be whatever is to your own personal taste, which I would love to see a change in that. I do love this site, though, I am sorry someone is copying and pasting from it and not making the effort to do the work themselves.

    1. I actually like the way that Joe Sims blogs are made, it takes like only 5 minutes to scroll through all of the new finds, and I can give that time to find someones amazing creations. And I can allways rely on the fact that every morning there will be fresh cc uploaded.

  22. I own a sims 3 must have site, and I bought 9 months ago. I never post as much as you do, and I do not post every day. It takes hours to go through all my sims links and find new things, I totally would be sad if someone copied my site! I think people need your site, you do a good job! The girl you are talking about has messaged me, that I didnt have the right to buy sims4updates, and I need to sell it to her, and she plans to not use it......I opened my site 2 months ago, she opened hers last week. I think we should both ignore her! I was thinking about selling it to her, but now, defiantly not! I am glad you posted, it helped me decide what to do.

    1. Nice. I'll save your link and add it when put the links section here.

  23. MS4B was the first place I looked to find CC for the CAS demo because it was the only one that came to mind, don't let someone who is too unimaginative sway you. You have a very strong following. If I get into making CC for TS4 as well, this is the only place I'd go to advertise.

  24. As Aussie Karima said, if you leave then we'll have to go somewhere else for our finds and they'll win in their dirty game. You are a staple in the modding community, and seeing you go away from a game that isn't even out yet would be really sad.

  25. I notice that this was happening years ago. I stopped looking at the other site because of it. So sorry it has come to this, but I understand why you want to stop.

    Oh well I enjoyed this blog but I understand.

    1. Yeah it was brought to my attention around the time that ATS post and Rusty dress was posted and I did that to see how true it was. Again, she posts stuff that I don't, so my goal isn't to stop people from visiting her site. I just really hate manipulative people.

    2. I understand... I hate when people steal other people's hard work and call it their own.
      Glad you are staying. Don't what others do stop you from enjoying this blog. We enjoy what you do for us and we support you in whatever you do.

      Happy Simming!

      Gmgar :)

  26. M4B and MS3B are the only sources I download my CC from, because your blog is the only place I can rely on to deliver most of the CC there is. And upon reading this post I checked Lianas and the other girls pages and they look like they are from frikkin 90's, no wounder they are coppying from you, you have great blog that I personally check every day, but they have no imagination what so ever. And this is the first time I comment on your blog, because it made me really sad that I might loose the one decent site posting for sims and because I am not big commenting person:) I was hoping that one day I will be creating my own CC and your blog is the one I would love to promote my creations.
    But (this line will be cheesy) it is your decision and you should do what you feel is right.

  27. O gosh,why are they keep doing that! I hate to see you go,but I understand. Why keep doing the hard work for a couple of leeches. I've never been on their sites and I'm glad I never did, your blogs are the only reliable to me and I check them every day for new CC.
    Anyway, thanks for all you have done and still do.

  28. Joey you have all my support! Please don't stop updating because I rely on you so much to be updated with the latest creations. I don't care who else does finds, I've been following your for 5 years and even if you leave, I will NOT follow any other finds site.
    I hope you change your mind, your web is amazing and your work incredible. Again, you have all my support!
    Hugs, Nubie

    1. Thank you so much Anubis. And thank you posting this on Tumblr and everything else. :)

  29. I had no idea!! And I just found this Sims 4 blog! Please don't stop updating your sims 4 blog, I will very much need you into the future!!! <3 <3 <3 <3

  30. Please don't! I've been using this blog since I got TS4 CAS Demo, and I'm sure I will using every day when TS4 came out. Doesn't matter who else have a TS4 Finds blog. Yours are always the best to find things. Please don't close this one.
    If there's something I could do to help, please tell me. You have all my support, keep up with teh good work. *BIGPengÞinHug*


    1. No. Thank you for everything too. I'm not going anywhere. :)

  31. Oh my gosh, I've been using that site for months and I had no idea. Won't be going there anymore! I'm sorry that I was so misguided!

  32. I've been using this blog a lot since I got TS3 and now with TS4 I am happy to see you're keeping up with the great amount of finds. I really hope and wish you don't stop updating because of some shitty person copying and pasting your stuff.

    Maybe there's a way to ban her IP from your site or something?

    1. Lol, I thought of that and wish it was possible.

  33. How irritating! I don't blame you for your frustrations! I support whatever decision you make but I won't lie, if you do decide to call it quits, you will be sorely missed! :,(

  34. I had no idea this was going on, how terrible! Shame on them for taking credits for your work. How could they possibly get any satisfaction out of that? Some people!

  35. I am very sad, but I understand your frustration and I respect your decision. I can only say that like many others, will miss you a lot when we play LS4

  36. To be honest I'm not getting TS4 so I don't really have a dog in this particular hunt. However, the unfairness of what is happening needs to be brought out into the open. There may not be justice, but there still needs to be awareness of wrongdoing. Please stand your ground. You have many supporters who will obviously stand with you. -}:)

  37. Honestly, I've been following your Sims 3 Blog around the time that first Peggyzone hair that came out which replaced the original EA mohawk hair. Yeah, that long. I've never even bothered to look at another blog/website because yours was SO good and you constantly kept us updated on the best/recent CC. It's a shame that you won't be doing the same for Sims 4, but I can understand, I would get upset as well if someone was doing this. Nice to know that someone ruined something good us simmers who love mods had who didn't want to look at millions of websites just to find a few things we liked, or didn't know about certain websites which had great stuff.
    I really would like you to continue on with the Sims 4 doing this, but I can completely understand why you would be disheartened to do so (not forcing or begging you just stating my opinion :) ). I respect your decision, BUT just to let you know, no matter how many times s/he copies you, YOU were the one who did the work, and YOU were the original best most updated CC finder. So if other people don't know or understand that, that's their lost, but as long as you understand and know that, that's all you need :). Also look at all these people who don't want you to go! Haha, but again, the decision is ultimately yours, and I will still be playing both Sims 3 for a loong time AND Sims 4. So I will still be following your Sims 3 blog if you choose not to update Sims 4 anymore. c:
    Stay amazing~ and don't let this person get to you. <3
    P.S: yo but I wish they're was a blog like this back in my Sims 2 days LOL, unless there was and I wasn't aware ^^;

  38. I've been following your blogs for years now and even if I won't be into The Sims 4, I support you! Copying can be annoying and hopefully they get the message this time around because the copycatting is obvious.

  39. I too support you. I always look forward to seeing what the Sims Community has to offer and your site is just great for that! Don't let stupid people get you down :)

  40. It's really sad to read this, because you ARE a really big part of our sims community. I can't even imagine how much effort you put in this and sims 3 blog. I really appreciate your work and I want you to know that even if you quit, I will always love and appreciate all the things you've done! You're great, remember. :)

  41. Aww please don't stop your blog! You are the best and those people will never be as good as you!

  42. Aww, sorry you've been dealing with this. I haven't browsed this blog much because beyond the demo I don't give a damn about sims 4, but I'm on the sims 3 one ALL the time. You've done so much and put so much time and effort into helping the community. I'm sorry people are being jerks and ruining it for you. Thank-you so much for all you've done for us.

  43. This is horrible, please do not leave us over these idiots. Everyone I know worships this blog as the Sims CC Finds Bible. We love you & hope you continue to be awesome for so many more years to come <3

  44. Please don't stop! I use this site more than anything else, and its my #1 source for Sims content. your Sims 3 AND This one..

  45. What pay for feature are you talking about?

  46. omg. yay! your site is definitely worth it x)

  47. You scared me there for a minute. I start my mornings looking through this site. It is the best site for finding the best cc. You are doing a great job. The imposters actions are telling. They are copying you because you are the best and they know it. And we know it too.

  48. I'm so glad! Doing the happydance now :-)).

  49. Make it so no one can right click and copy....Wont that stop her, or at least make it harder. I am still scared of this pay for feature you have mentioned.....

  50. Shoot it got worse, she had taken out her anger on me. She owns Top Sims 3 + 4 and deleted all my sites and then made it so when you voted for my site, from my site, it actually went and added the vote to her site! She thinks competition should be banned I guess, even though she steals her things from you...I also opened a top site for sims 4..I guess I ruined her life, so now she is ruining mine =( She may win with me, cause I needed to have my creation sites on a top site! I still wont sell my site to her! So anyway, the reason her 2 sims update sites are always near the top, is she manipulates the votes on her site to make her pages seem better than they are! that is the most popular sims ranking site I know of, and she is obviously not trust able at all.

    1. Yeah I figured that out after a week or two, which is why I deleted my account and removed the link to it. I'm sorry to hear what you're going through. Post your Top site here and I'll check it out and maybe join, if this isn't another one of her methods. Sorry that I'm cautious but this has been going on for 5 years.

    2. it has 3 site, and 2 are mine lol

    3. Oh you are Candie Coded Sims? I love your patterns. I'll join some day this week. And Thanks for your finds site. I saw some things I missed. I'll post them and credit you of course, like I always do.

  51. Oh lord, I had no idea people were actually paying to be featured on places O.o I just post my update links and hope for the best lol :-P It's sad that people can bribe their way onto a site, they must have no faith in their efforts as a creator.
