Sunday, December 21, 2014

Sentate's Empusa Peplum Top

IKEA Postcards Part 3 by Sandy

Geometric Skirt & patterned Tights by Thesimpurrlife

Newsea Ego Hair for Females

Shirts for Guys by ECoast

Earrings and Necklace by Irink@a

Padlock Earrings and Septum Piercing by A3ru

Cheat Shortcuts by plasticbox

With the introduction of that 'bb.ignoregameplayunlocksentitlement' monstrosity it really was time for this .. these are some custom shortcuts for TS4 in the form of a loose .py file so they are easy to edit. 

Included shortcuts:
d | t | debug [on/off] – testingcheats
h [on/off] – headlineeffects
m | mo | moo – bb.moveobjects (toggle)
ssk | setskill <skill> <level> – stats.set_skill_level <skill> <level>
u | unlock – bb.showhiddenobjects + bb.ignoregameplayunlocksentitlement