
Saturday, May 30, 2015

Updated 5/29 - Teen pregnancy/Marriage + Bug fix Inteen and No Jealousy Mod and more by Lostaccount

Sims 4 Get To Work Update - Update 5/29
  • Sims 4 Inteen update 29 May 2015

  • Simcest (Inteen 4 script)

  • No jealousy

  • Naked Woohoo

  • ****Inteen -only use one of the two main mods below, not both***

  • Inteen 4 update

  • Inteen with Polygamy update


Bug fix Inteen 4 Sims 4 - UPDATE 9/22

For just teen preggers in Sims 4 use:

For just teen marriage and pregnancy only

For Inteen pregnancy/marriage and adult stuff (romance marriage and preggers between adults/ya/elder an teen, use:


  1. It was bound to happen sooner or later.

  2. I can't find the download link. :(

  3. Link is here @Anonymous:

    Scroll down and you'll see it, not hard to miss.

    1. Thank you so much! I felt so stupid for not being able to find it.

    2. so far its working beautifully for me the only problem i seem to be having with the one that includes everything including polygamy is teens cant flirt young adults or vice versa. (at least mother/daughter) not sure if its the mod or not. but ill have the bubble motivations but cant do it.

    3. The menu shows up in game but they dont do anything :(

  4. Is is not working for me....

  5. there is no menu ingame :-(

  6. make sure there teens and in love ect.. for it to work

  7. I put it into my mods folder but nothing happened at all.

  8. o me too how annoying :(

  9. make sure you go to game options click on enable mods tick it then restart I done that but nothing still lol

  10. the mod isn't working. tested all 3 versions. no teen marriage or pregnancy, neither adult stuff. that is boring

  11. He made the Mod to work with the demo (he said he got the demo in his blog) not full game of course it's not working......

  12. well that's lame how can it work otherwise

  13. Just wait till someone make the same mod with the full game.......

  14. Here u could find the TeenieWoohooStuff, my Sweethearts^^.

  15. I did not make the mod to work only with the demo. The mod is working find. You have to have to correct mod folder set up. Visit my fb page or wordpress for full instructions. Darkpool.

  16. For just teen preggers in Sims 4 use:

    For just teen marriage and pregnancy only

    For Inteen pregnancy/marriage and adult stuff (romance marriage and preggers between adults/ya/elder an teen, use:

    Instructions on installation here

    No Jealousy for Sims 4

  17. Teen preg/marriage all age INTEEN 4 SIMS 4

  18. BugReport for Taboo&Poly V3: sims change clothes to casual before woohoo. rest is working 100%. and of course..thank you very much for sharing this stuff to us.^^

  19. if a teenager ask an adult/elder for woohoo they dressed to casual b4 , if an adult/elder does all is ok

  20. "BugReport for Taboo&Poly V3: sims change clothes to casual before woohoo. rest is working 100%. and of course..thank you very much for sharing this stuff to us."

    That's normal for the game but I made a nude woohoo mod so your sims are not clothed when doing the dirty. Check back on my blog.

  21. Excellent Mods as always. Thanks for this, Billy.

  22. I did EVERYTHING instructed and yet the mod doesn't appear.
    I really did eveything, including ticking the box, changing the resource.cfg,
    putting the mod inside the specified folder.

  23. Just a heads up, this conflicts with his naked woohoo mod, will cause dates to fail.

  24. Okay, I'm late in the game here, but I am seriously pulling my hair out over this. Mr. Darkpool has gone MIA and I've spent the last 3 hours trying to mod this damned game to no avail. I suppose it's not the modders concerns, but for Christ's sake, get some fucking organization up in there. If you ever read this noaccount darkpool, please at least organize your shit so you don't have people searching to find the updated shit and not even giving good instructions on how to properly mod the sims 4 in the first place. Jesus fuck. At the very least leave a junk email and you can get back to people in 3 months time.
    --I have done everything I can think of, and all the new links are expired, and I don't think the old links even work. It's like people just fucking gave up halfway. Yeah. I know it's not your responsibility to be the modder everyone relies on, but you took the fucking job so you can't just give up halfway and try to wipe your existence off the face of the earth. Fuck.

    1. the old files work for everything but teen pregnancy i have found. i am as irritated as you. i have sent at least 2 days on this stupid mod trying to get it to work, hopefully someone else can create a good mod to use instead

  25. Dr. Kizzekpe is really the best i have ever seen since my husband left me and my kids i have been trying different online spell caster and i did not see any result until a friend of mine gave me his contact Email address that i should contact him that he will be able to help me. The first time he told me what i have to do i thought he was the same as the other so called spell caster but i just have to give it a try which i did and after he did the casting of the spell i started seeing changes my husband send gift to my kids and also wrote a letter that he was going to come back home very soon i was so surprise and now we are back together again thank you My husband came back home after 4days with so much love and care. Here is his contact . if you wish to seek help from him.

  26. my name is james rita
    I want to use this opportunity to thank for helping me get my lover back after he left me few months ago. I have sent friends to beg him for me but he refused and said that it is all over between both of us but when I met this man,he told me to relaxed that every thing will be fine and after five days of my contact with him, my lover came back with tears in his eyes asking me for another chance to Caitlin and i have forgiven hem and we are happy again true the help of dr adoga, and that is why i am droping is email for any one that need is help (

  27. lesbian teen pregnancy please

  28. hello, does this go into packages or overrides? does it conflict with the Emotion Overcharge thing?

  29. I don't know if I'm the only person with this problem but this mod has been causing some issues with dates and with marriages. It happens when I try to get sims married, even when they are both YA, and the game stops the interaction from happening and they reset every time I put 'Get married to...' and never complete the interaction. I know it was this mod, and I'm not sure if the creator was going to fix it but I wanted this in my game! It has quite a few bugs at the moment though...

  30. Marriage doesn't work for me either, I'm on and I'm guessing you too? I think I read somewhere that he was behind on updates so that might be the cause.

  31. Hye bro. There's something that I want to ask. When I update my Sims 4 to the new version, Your polygamy's mode doesn't works anymore. Whenever I tried to click wohoo or try for baby, it's didn't work. Any solution?

  32. Hye bro. There's something that I want to ask. When I update my Sims 4 to the new version, Your polygamy's mode doesn't works anymore. Whenever I tried to click wohoo or try for baby, it's didn't work. Any solution?

  33. It doesnt work for me anymore, either. :'(

  34. When's the new update coming out???

  35. Not working at all. It shows as in game upon start up, but the interactions are exactly the same as if this mod doesn't exist. The social options for my teens in the 'romance' option is exactly the same. No changes, no woohoo option, and no option to marry etc..

    Does anyone know of someone else who has created a woohoo and pregnant mod for teenagers, with EASY to understand install instructions?

    1. Same problem. Not working at all & causing problems in game.

  36. Like everyone else, waiting for the update to this for the new expansion.

  37. any new info for an update?? just learned about this mod and would love to try it.. cant seem to find anything else like it...when i did install it i had the same issues as everyone else.. characters just standing there and no different options, no woohoo / marriage options.. lets get it updated please!

  38. lets just assume its been abandoned and there will be no update

  39. I just want to give a quick advise to any one out there that is having difficulty in his or her relationship to contact Dr.Agbazara because he is the only one that is capable to bring back broken relationship or broken marriages within time limit of 48 hours. You can contact Dr.Agbazara by calling him on his mobile +2348104102662 or write him through his email at ( )

  40. You can get a teen married without mods. Here's what I did today:
    .Get your teen sim fall in love with another teen sim
    .When their romance bar is very high, do either one of these:
    1. Get the cheat box up and type testingcheats true then enter. Then type CAS.fulleditmode then enter. Afterwards get one of the teens to go to a dresser and select change sim. Change both to young adults. Then change the relation between them both to wife or husband. Then click the tick. Once done. Go back into the Create a sim and change them back to teens! DONE!
    2.When the teen's romance bars are high type testingcheats true then CAS.fulleditmode. Change them into young adults then get one to propose and either elope them or get them to marry. Then change them back to teens.
    Hope this helps. If it didn't work, don't worry keep trying!
    Have fun!

  41. Anyone have an actual working link, because the server is down downloading the original mod.

  42. All link already dead

  43. Most mods and links are dead.
