
Sunday, October 19, 2014

Variable Default Relationships Mod by scumbumbo

Variable Default Relationships

Everybody in a new household gets along by default. HOW UTTERLY BORING! Want a change? Want a challenge? With variable default relationships, your next household might be completely disfunctional!

This Mod will vary the starting sim relationships when a new household is created. The relationships can range anywhere from outright hatred to the very best of friends.

Both friendship and romance relationships vary. A married sim's love may not be reciprocated, or perhaps both partners hate each other and it's purely physical, or they could be great friends but the romance has gone stale!

The variance is not purely random. For those who know about probability, the resulting relationshps are based on a gaussian distribution centered on the default relationship values.

The mod is available in three "strengths":
The default version creates the highest level of variance
The medium version is somewhat less variable
The lowest strength will generally create relationships near to the default

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